Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Scrimmage Game-August

Homecoming Decoration-September 27

Shadow Mountain Football-Senior Harrington Harris

September Birthday -SS

Yummy!! Strawberry Cake Pops.. I acknowledge birthdays in our Sunday School class on the 4th Sunday. I had a blast decorating the pops....I spent more time decorating than baking ;) The boys said I was going overboard (LOL!) Whatever boys!! the kids were thrilled and like always wanted an extra one for their sibling or parent. We had enough to share :)...Sharing is Caring

Monday, October 7, 2013

Football Season-Senior Year

First Day of School-Senior Year

Where, Oh Where, has the time gone. Seems like it was just yesterday that we were dropping  Harrington off at Tots 2 Teens (before and after-school care), watching him walk to bus stop, chasing the bus, to now Senior year..
Just like the previous "first day of school" he was excited and anxious to begin.  The older he got the first day was all about the right outfit just as much if not more than seeing his friends. He took great care to ensure  his  outfit was right. We wished he would have given more attention to his hair. This afro thing is just not for him. I'm sure his senior year will be filled with great memories and lots of fun! Stay tune and be sure to back in May for graduation!