Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Hair

Harrington was going through a phase of growing his hair out. Completely indecisive of what style he wanted. One day it was Afro, another dreads, another twists....🙉well I am glad he finally came to his  senses and cut it off, now we can schedule appointment for senior photos.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Scrimmage Game-August

Homecoming Decoration-September 27

Shadow Mountain Football-Senior Harrington Harris

September Birthday -SS

Yummy!! Strawberry Cake Pops.. I acknowledge birthdays in our Sunday School class on the 4th Sunday. I had a blast decorating the pops....I spent more time decorating than baking ;) The boys said I was going overboard (LOL!) Whatever boys!! the kids were thrilled and like always wanted an extra one for their sibling or parent. We had enough to share :)...Sharing is Caring

Monday, October 7, 2013

Football Season-Senior Year

First Day of School-Senior Year

Where, Oh Where, has the time gone. Seems like it was just yesterday that we were dropping  Harrington off at Tots 2 Teens (before and after-school care), watching him walk to bus stop, chasing the bus, to now Senior year..
Just like the previous "first day of school" he was excited and anxious to begin.  The older he got the first day was all about the right outfit just as much if not more than seeing his friends. He took great care to ensure  his  outfit was right. We wished he would have given more attention to his hair. This afro thing is just not for him. I'm sure his senior year will be filled with great memories and lots of fun! Stay tune and be sure to back in May for graduation!

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Lonely Pup

July 14, 2013- Harrington took a liken to Cousin Emmanuel's puppy. This little darling was it Mom's when arrived, tied to a tree and he was there when we left.. Emmanuel apparently forgot to take him home.  " Sure He did". Harrington  got a chance to drive cousin Shaun's classic(new bottom photos)

Family Gathering July 2013

A couple of  photos from the Goree Family Reunion this summer. As always its great to see and spend time with the family.  Five of  my mother's living seven siblings were in attendance along with some of their children and their families. Mom and Aunt Sammie were the only two siblings to have all of their children in attendance. Amelia and I with some assistance from Daddy barbecued the ribs and they were the BOMB! Thanks to our resident BBQ-er. Dad says its all in the smoke. My Daddy put some pecan wood on the grill and white clouds of smoke bellowing from that smoke stack resembled a fright train (LOL!) My brothers were in charge of the fish fry. Sorry to say bros, it was ah right! It definitely wasn't their best. They didn't have access to the large fryer they used two years ago.

My brothers surprised my sister and I by inviting  our first cousin on my dad's side of the family to the cookout on Saturday. It has been many years since we have spent quality time with cousin Deborah. What a time we had chatting, eating,rehashing old memories and creating new memories.
There's nothing like FAMILY ....Good, Bad, or Indifferent. We are still family  & There's Nothing We Can Do About  IT!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Harrington's Annual San Diego Trip

Harrington left Thursday for his annual San Diego trip. He has been the summer guest of his best friend Preston and his family for the last four summers. It has been so  kind and thoughtful of the Campbell Family to invite our rug rat to hangout with them on the beach. The timing for the trip was perfect because the temperatures have been 113-118 degrees this weekend. Harrington said the high has been 85 degrees in San Diego and he has been wearing a jacket in the evenings.  Hopefully a  breeze or two will come back to  Phoenix with him on Monday.

Preston & Harrington-Summer 2012

Sun Protection Gear on ..ready for the San Diego beaches

BJ's Spa Day

B.J. was treated to an afternoon at Petsmart Doggie Spa. He was clean and groomed from head to tail. If he had jumped all over us when we picked him up I would have not recognized him.
He's ready for vacation just needs to pack his doggie bag.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Graduation and Father's Day Cards

Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes

We acknowledged June Birthdays in our Sunday School class on Sunday. I made these cupcakes for our special treat. The kids had a blast adding the finishing touches to their cones. They were easy and fun to make. Love the end results :)

Graduation 2013 (Brendan & Malik)


Harrington's  two best buddies graduated from high school last month .  They have been a trio since they met Malik at church about six years ago. He and Brendan have known each other since they were three years old attending the same day care center.  They're all about two months apart in age, because Harrington has a January birthdate he started school a year later. He's a little sad that the   trio will be broken once the guys go off to school this fall, but if the Lords says the same they'll all be back together next May to celebrate with Harrington.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Henry and I went to breakfast at Matt's Big Breakfast on Saturday morning. This repurposed cart  used as a counter and merchandise display brought back memories  of my days at JC Penney. There were days when the carts resembled a loaded freight train as they were  lined-up from the stockroom to the sales floor.  We had to have them emptied before the store opened, some days that was impossible :(
Those were the days some days I long for those days... note I said some days :) I do miss the associates and of course the employee discounts $$$

Cool Mr. B

President Obama isn't  the only one who knows how to sport a  pair of Ray-Bans.
It's possible B.J. could be the next model for Ray-Ban eyewear.  LOL!!