We recently had to replace our pet Beta, Leroy. About two weeks ago while relaxing on the sofa and enjoying a good book I noticed that Leroy wasn’t home.
I immediately began to search the parameters of Leroy‘s bowl in hope that he hadn't accidently taken a “flying leap”.
I knew some assistance would be needed in the search of the dense quarters of Leroy's environment, so I called in Mr. Magnifier to assist in the search. Mr. Magnifier didn't get any closer to solving the mystery than I. Mr. Magnifier's services were more costly than Leroy's replacement (Blue).
Harrington said his body had probably decomposed and that I should just call off the search. I refused to accept his theory in that there was no evidence to support it.
We are slowing accepting Blue, but still missing our Leroy. Leroy had been with us for almost 2 years.